On Saturday, May 18 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the N.C. Arboretum is having its next EcoEXPLORE event, a citizen science program for kids K-8. It’s just for Bigs and Littles, and it’s free.
After starting out with some healthy snacks in the Arboretum’s “ecolab” classroom on the ground floor of the education center (look for signs in the parking lot), kids will go on a photo hike around the Arboretum to take pictures of living organisms they find outside (plants, animals, fungi, etc.). Then they’ll come back to the classroom to upload their observations and wrap up.
Bigs and Littles may enjoy the property for the rest of the day if they wish. The Arboretum sends their images to EcoEXPLORE’s online nature database, EcoEXPLORE.net, where iNaturalist scientists use them in their research. Along the way, kids who sign up for EcoEXPLORE.net can win prizes and badges, as well as attend Arboretum events and meet scientists.