BBBSWNC congratulates Tyber of Transylvania County as the 2023 recipient of its Robin Myer Realizing Potential Award. The award, presented annually, goes to the Little Brother or Little Sister who shows outstanding ability to engage their aptitudes and interests.
The award is named for Robin Myer, who was executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina for 27 years. BBBSWNC, based in Asheville, NC, is now led by President and CEO Lelia Duncan. The agency works with parents/guardians and schools to serve hundreds of youth every year. Its staff and volunteers work with kids in all 18 of North Carolina’s westernmost counties and on the Qualla Boundary.
Tyber, a rising senior at Rosman High School, had “a very tough year last year,” including losing his father and a very close friend, BBBSWNC Transylvania County program coordinator Hannah Huskey said. “But he still found the strength and perseverance to improve his academic skills and grades. He is an inspiration.”
Currently, he and his Big Brother Jim are touring colleges to help him decide what he wants to do when he graduates. The two have been matched for two years and were partnered in a school program prior to that.
During that time, Tyber has been faced with personal challenges “that would have been difficult for anyone to overcome,” Jim said. “I am impressed with his positive attitude, his focus, and his ability to set and complete goals.”
Among Tyber’s recent achievements has been a significant weight loss through activities such as joining the school wrestling team for another season, Huskey said. He saved money to buy a car and found a supportive community through his involvement with Young Life, a Christian ministry that reaches out to young people. He has become a group leader of Wyldlife, a Young Life ministry that caters to middle school kids.
Tyber has grown “tremendously” in many ways this past year, Huskey said. “He said that throughout the hardships, with the support of his Big Brother, he learned to love harder and to look for the best in everything. I have no doubt that he will continue to push himself to grow and do great things in his next steps in life.”
“It has been a privilege for me to walk through life with Tyber,” Jim said, “as he has grown into a young man that I admire. And I look forward to seeing what the future holds for him.”

Tyber and Jim

Tyber and Jim